Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries. During the procedure, the surgeon removes and rearranges the bone and cartilage of the nose to enhance its size and shape. By making your nose look and function better, rhinoplasty can improve many aspects of your life. Here are some of the best benefits of rhinoplasty:

Improves Appearance

The most common reason people undergo rhinoplasty is cosmetic issues with the nose. Rhinoplasty can correct these issues, make your nose more aesthetically pleasing, and make you more confident in your appearance.

There are a wide variety of imperfections that rhinoplasty can treat. The surgery can change the size, length, or width of the nose, and it can change the shape of the bridge. It also can smooth out any lumps, bumps, or dips in the nose to make it more symmetrical. Some people undergo rhinoplasty to fix flaws in their nose that they’ve always had, and others have the surgery after an injury or facial trauma damaged their nose.

A rhinoplasty won’t just make your nose look better, though. It will make your entire face look younger and more balanced. When your surgeon helps you determine how you want to change your nose, they’ll consider your entire face and suggest changes that will improve your overall appearance.

Increases Confidence

Most people who undergo rhinoplasty are self-conscious about their nose and have experienced that insecurity for years. The flaws in your nose probably seem bigger to you than they do to others, but it may be hard to accept the imperfections. A rhinoplasty will make you much more confident in your appearance. When you’re confident, you’ll feel better in social situations, and you’ll be more motivated to keep up with a healthy lifestyle.

It’s important to remember that a rhinoplasty won’t make your life perfect. You shouldn’t expect all of your problems and insecurities to go away after the surgery. However, the surgery can make you feel better about your appearance, which can make you more outgoing and optimistic.

Benefits Career

A rhinoplasty won’t automatically get you your dream job or a major pay raise. However, many people who have had the procedure claim that they saw more career opportunities after the surgery than before. Appearances do make a difference in most job industries, even if employers don’t think that they notice looks. It’s an unfortunate truth that lots of people subconsciously favor those who are more attractive, so a rhinoplasty could help you get more career opportunities.

Another possibility is that the self-confidence boost that comes with rhinoplasty can make you seek out more opportunities. Feeling better about yourself makes you put more effort into all aspects of your life, including your job. After your rhinoplasty, you may feel more open to taking risks and seeking out ways to advance your career.

Corrects Breathing Issues

Rhinoplasty doesn’t only have cosmetic benefits. It can also improve the functioning of your nose and fix breathing problems. Structural problems in your nose can cause sinus inflammation, nosebleeds, snoring, and difficulty breathing. A functional rhinoplasty can fix all of these issues, and it can be combined with a cosmetic rhinoplasty to improve your nose’s appearance at the same time.

If you have a deviated septum, you can combine a rhinoplasty with a septoplasty. During the procedure, your surgeon will align the bone and cartilage of your septum, which will create more space in your nasal passages and make it easier to breathe.

Nasal valve collapse can be corrected with rhinoplasty, too. The nasal valve should stay open when you breathe, but having a thin nose, an infection, or an injury could cause it to collapse. Other nasal issues that rhinoplasty can correct include nasal polyps, enlarged turbinates, and deformities caused by an injury or trauma.

Improves Sleep Quality

If your rhinoplasty helps with your breathing issues, it may also improve the quality of your sleep. Most people with blocked or narrow nasal passages snore, wake up frequently, and don’t get much deep sleep. You may not realize how tired you are or how poor your sleep is if you’ve always had trouble breathing. After your nose heals from the surgery and your airways open up, though, you’ll probably feel much more rested and energetic than you did before.

Boosts Energy

Another benefit of functional rhinoplasty is the energy boost it provides by helping your body get more oxygen. Nasal breathing is much more effective for oxygen circulation than mouth breathing, so if you can’t breathe properly through your nose, your body may be deprived of oxygen.

When the oxygen levels in your blood are low, you’ll feel sluggish and tired. Long-term oxygen deprivation can also lead to more serious health issues, including high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease. A rhinoplasty can lower your risk of experiencing these issues, and it can help your body get enough oxygen to feel awake and alert.

Changes Tone of Voice

Many people who undergo rhinoplasty to fix breathing issues notice a change in their voice. Blocked or swollen airways can make your voice sound pinched or nasal, so if your rhinoplasty opens up your airways, your voice may become clearer. This may be surprising and difficult to adjust to at first, but most people are excited about their new voice tone once they get used to it.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of Miami offers rhinoplasty and a variety of other cosmetic procedures. Dr. Altman was Chief Resident in plastic and reconstructive surgery at Jackson Memorial Hospital, and he completed the prestigious Jerome P. Webster Fellowship. Dr. Ghersi completed his residency at the world-renowned Cleveland Clinic and completed an exclusive fellowship at the Manhattan Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital. Dr. Oeltjen has years of experience with aesthetic surgery and served as Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery at the University of Miami.

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