In indoor gardening, the use of grow lights has brought about a revolutionary change, transforming the way growers can ensure they harvest only the healthiest yields. Today, the use of G8 LED grow lights proves to be the best choice for indoor growing projects, and for good reasons. These lights are popular for providing the largest, healthiest, and fresh yields indoors. Made in the United States, these lights are certified and tested well before manufacturers dispatch them to the market.

Started by experienced electrical engineers, who had an interest in gardening indoors, G8 LED manufacturers to conduct thorough tests to test the quality of these lights and give it to customers for the best results in their growing spaces.

How Do G8 LED Grow Lights Give Highest Yields?

In terms of indoor gardening, G8 LED grow lights are the most efficient and dense diode network, which work well together to bring some balanced energy of light to plants. Majority plants thrive well and give large yields as the output with no excess heat and less electrical consumption. Since these lights come with the right formulation, this maximizes their yield and growth, without the wastage of energy in any unnecessary wavelengths.

Note that while other LED grow lights work on promoting more wavelengths, G8 Dorm Grow lights focus on optimal 8-band, which gives the largest and perfect yields.  These lights produce more PARS as well as more yields per unit of consumed electricity and more yields per footage square of growing areas when compared to other types of lights.

Innovative Indoor Grow Lighting Technology

Over the past few years, these lights have gone through several modifications to bring innovative indoor lighting technology to grow spaces, offering the highest yields. Such lights have a proven record of exceptional performance. The quality of these lights also matches with other lighting options like HPS (high-pressure sodium bulbs) and LED grow lights.

With several years of improvement and research, these lights have the right formulated color ratio with eight bands of the spectrum of color, ranging from 380nm to about 780nm; including Ultraviolet and Infrared white (6000K). When growing plants indoors, this proves to be the best spectrum, which maximizes the yield of the plant per unit of consumption of electricity. For the process of photosynthesis in plants, no diodes go into waste in the colors, needed for healthy yield. You can get excellent flowers with trichomes, and the highest yields per electrical wattage of consumption of electricity.

Choosing a Good LED Grow Light

Before you choose a grow light, you should check the product detail and learn more about its power draw, the coverage, and the amperage.  Of course, for further details, you can always contact experts and understand the light intensity and the requirements of plants. It is important that learn about how the various wavelengths and color spectrums can affect the indoor quality of the plants. If you upgrade to these lights, rest assured that your investment would pay off in the days to come ahead. You can choose this energy efficient option and rest assured that it will prove to be the best choice.

Superior Performance and Design

These lights offer quality, unparalleled performance, and design. These lights come with a unique design, to maximize the density of diode on the LED chipboard. Their higher intensity of light ensures superior coverage per square inch and produces higher yields to plants compared to other competing designs. Their unique design makes them suitable for the vegetative or flowering stages of plants. Usually, the flower/vegetative lights use 3-watt chip size and 1-watt chips combined with dense red diode networks to boost higher yields in plants.

In addition to providing higher yields, these lights also serve as the best investment because they help to cut down the costs on power. Since plants absorb the light spectrums, they give off less heat and maintain an ideal temperature for plant growth.

Grow Tips Using G8 LED Grow Lights

The Distance

While your plants grow to reach for the light, you should keep the distance at a safe level and a constant one. If you want your plants to stretch, you should continue raising the distance and the plants would reach for the light source, making them grow taller. Once you achieve the desired length, stop raising the distance. For bushier and shorter plants, you should decrease the distance.


G8 LED grow lights give just about 10% of heat compared to other lights. The lower output of heat also means fewer chances of water evaporation and the need for less watering. If you decide to grow your plants in soil, water the plants only when the soil dries in 2-4 days to avoid the roots from experiencing rots.


These lights allow all plants to grow more and photosynthesize efficiently. If you give your plants nutrients, you should reduce the feeding by about 30%.

Using these lights offers several benefits. You just have to ensure that you research well on your own, and learn about what options will be suitable for the type of growing project you plan to take.


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